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Safe steroids in UK: truth and lies about legality and online sales

Nowadays, distortion of information is a normal phenomenon. You have probably already heard the myths that anabolic steroids are extremely dangerous and kill people, such speculations of "connoisseurs" are really frightening, and the impression is created that generates stories that nothing good can be expected from taking steroids. Accordingly, hearing about the negative, the question arises:

Are there safe anabolic steroids in UK?

It is important to note that there are no completely safe steroids because these chemicals have been synthesized. So is aspirin, which is useful but can be harmful if you deviate from the instructions. Steroids are divided into two groups, soft and heavy. Our specialists have created a rating of the safest anabolics, from the softest to the heaviest among the mildest. The selection factors include: effect, performance, safety.

The first stage of the rating is occupied by the mildest and safest steroid "Oxandrolon" in terms of effect and quality. This steroid is able to build only quality muscle mass, it can not flavor oestrogen, has the property to burn fat deposits, does not dry joints. Anavar does not require PCT, it has practically no side effects, and at very high doses it can have a negative effect on testosterone production. It's almost not toxic to the liver. Oxandrolone is quickly eliminated from the body and can be taken without problems even by women.

Stanazolol (Winstrol). Used by athletes to improve muscle quality, strength, endurance, power and speed. The drug can not increase weight, and is used by those whose purpose is to achieve relief, venousity and dryness of muscles. Strombafort is able to burn fat, and is used by athletes before competitions. The product is able to dry joints and ligaments, which is considered an unfavorable quality due to the risk of injury during intensive training with large weights. It is moderately toxic to the liver. It cannot flavor, but it can cause androgenic side effects at high doses - acne, etc.

Third place, awarded by Turinabol. Able to gain muscle mass, develop strength and endurance. Has a low phenomenon of kickback. Toxic enough for the liver, at Metandrostenolone level. "Turinabol has a strong effect on endogenous testosterone synthesis, but only at high doses. There are no side effects in the frequency, you can buy Turinabol 10 here.

Trenbolone Acetate. Safe enough AAS to gain mass and strength. Acne, insomnia, oily skin, aggression, high blood pressure, decreased libido are not uncommon.

Boldenon. Also applies to more harmless steroids. Promotes an increase in appetite, increased protein synthesis, increased muscle volume of athlete, increases the number of red blood cells. Due to this increases the supply of oxygen to muscle tissue and increase venousity. It is almost impossible to convert to estrogen, so estrogen side effects are very rare, anti-estrogen at the course of Equipoise is not required. Acne, baldness, and other androgenic side effects may occur in very rare cases. Very little inhibits the production of your own testosterone.

So we have a line of 5 safest AAS. However, in the science of doping, there is such a pattern - the more harmful anabolic, the more effective it is. For the record: some mild steroids may inhibit the negative effects of other steroids. Be careful when designing this course!

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